Friday, April 22, 2016

Cry Havoc #4

Cry Havoc, Issue #4 begins in the Red Place, where the rogue monstess Louise has come to kill keeps Julia captive.  As we found out in Issue #3, Louise is pregnant, probably with another different person. In Afghanistan, the different soldiers come across a rouge lithium mine.  It's been estimated that the lithium in Afghanistan is worth $2,000,000,000,000, and remember, on 9/10/2001, George W. Bush got the plans to invade Afghanistan on his desk.

I found the dialogue between Louise and the monstress almost quotable, and I found the action in Afghanistan startlingly accurate, from the rouge lithium mine down to the drawing of the drone.  Of course, there's plenty of weirdness added in, and that makes the series so interesting.  The same way Tin Tin matched hyper-realistic backgrounds with iconic faces, Cry Havoc matches hyper-realistic situations with unrealistic situations.

With Issue #4 in the bag, the first arc is nearing an end (Cry Havoc, Volume 1: Mything in Action is slated to contain Issue #1 through Issue #6).  I think Louise will try to escape the Red Place in Issue #5 or Issue #6 and try to return to London somehow; however, the trichotomy between London, Afghanistan, and the Red Place suits the series well.  Perhaps the story of the Red Place could continue without Louise in it.  In fact, this could be the case at some point in the future.  Most likely, Louise will remain in the Red Place.

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