Monday, May 9, 2016

Nisekoi, Vol. 15

Nisekoi: False Love, Volume 15: Beauty Pageant is in three parts.  First, Yui is home alone with Raku, and the legions of girls in love with Raku don't trust her, so they all come over and play games.  Yui is only a year or two older than Raku, but since she skipped so many grades, she's the Class 2C homeroom teacher.  She's also the leader of the Chinese Mafia, and she's in love with Raku.  Next, a school reporter named Mimiko accuses Raku and Chitoge of being a fake couple, and everything hinges on the question of whether or not Chitoge is in love with Raku.  Finally, there's a school festival with a beauty pageant, and the winner gets to dance with anyone she wants to.

Nisekoi is not the best manga I've read, but here I am, 3000 pages into it.  I've only read more of 20th Century Boys and Hunter x Hunter.  I've let other, perhaps superior manga fall by the wayside, like Food Wars! and Monster, although I would like to get back into Monster and perhaps finish the nine-double-volume series when the final volume comes out.  Very little changes in Nisekoi.  New characters are added slowly, and the situation expands rather than evolves.  It's fun and easy to enjoy.  In particular, I think it is well translated, with the reader in mind instead of the writer.

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