Monday, June 6, 2016

My Wife Is Wagatsuma-san, Vol. 4

My Wife Is Wagatsuma-san, Vol. 4 focuses a little more on Silvia, the Dutch-Japanese girl with enormous breasts.  In the 2011 timeline, Hitoshi is friends with her, but in some of the 2021 timelines, he's married to her, which isn't his desired outcome.  He's in love with Ai Wagatsuma-san, who he still calls by her last name in both the 2011 and 2021 timelines.  There are two many stories in this volume.  The first one starts in Vol. 3, with Wagatsuma-san overtraining for a swim meet.  The second story features Silvia wanting to buy a computer and enlisting the DX corps to help her.  She doesn't really want to buy a computer; she just wants company.  At the end of the volume is a story about Wagatsuma-san forgetting her lunch and Hitoshi going to great lengths to buy her a B.L.T.

The series ran for three years in Japan, from 2011 to 2014, and it just reached American audiences last year in digital-only format.  Three years as a weekly comic is a pretty long run, and I'll probably spend nearly $100 to read all 13 tankoban volumes despite the first three being free to read on ComiXology Unlimited.  Having three volumes free to rent was a good choice because if only one had been free to rent, I doubt I would have gotten this far (I've purchased up to Vol. 8).  I'm looking forward to the introduction of another time slipper, which happens eventually with the introduction of Seki Fumio, the new math teacher and adviser to the volleyball team.

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