Sunday, August 7, 2016

Civil War II #1

Civil War II, Issue #1 is a title I hadn't planned on reading.  I didn't really like the original Civil War, and I bought Jonathan Hickman's Secret Wars in hardcover but never broke the shrink wrap.  The Avengers, the X-Men, the Inhumans, and basically all of the heroes on Earth-616 are fighting an extra-dimensional giant robot - the Celestial Destructor - and its minions.  Just as the robot is about to wreak havoc, the Inhumans send it back where it came from with little fuss.

Carol Danvers - Captain America - wants to find out how they knew who was coming and how to send it back to where it came from.  Their secret?  A boy named Ulysses, who can see the future before it happens.  Jean Grey tries to read his mind but cannot secure a link; his mind is closed to her. Captain America wants to use Ulysses's power for good, preventing crime before it happens.  Iron Man wants to stay away from using Ulysses's power at all.  Hence the conflict.

I actually had it in mind to buy a bunch of DK III comics and catch up on that title, as I've only read the first issue, but I bought the first two issues of Civil War II instead.  So I guess this is where I choose my side.  Is it a thrilling, genre-defining tour de force, or is it a bad ripoff of The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick, who I'm a gigantic fan of?  I'm leaning toward the former, quite frankly because the drama is real.  Characters really die.  Brian Michael Bendis?  I'll read anything he writes.

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