Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Columbus Day

Image result for Columbus Day expeditionary force

Columbus Day is the first "Expeditionary Forces" book and a sci-fi book that does just about everything right.  I rarely gush over sci-fi series, but I've read a couple of good ones lately.  Columbus Day, the "Bobiverse" novels, the "Bruna Husky" novels, and even the "Destroyermen" series have all seriously caught my eye in the past six months.  The "Expeditionary Forces" series is the story of Joe Bishop, a specialist in the Army who has a unique career during the invasion of the Earth by the Ruhar and Earth's involvement in a galactic war.

The first half of this book was good enough, but the introduction of a new character, the all-powerful "Skippy" in the second half.  Skippy provides some much-needed comic relief to the novel and makes the human race capable of being more than just low-rent foot soldiers.  I love the hierarchical organization of the different species involved in the war, the different levels of technology, and the novel approach to faster-than-light travel.  Fun stuff.

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