Monday, January 2, 2017

Civil War II #8 (Spoilers)

Image result for Civil War II 8

Civil War II, Issue #8 concludes the limited series. The issues starts with a climactic battle between Captain Marvel and Iron Man while Captain America and Spider-Man look on. The Inhuman Ulysses, meanwhile, grows ever stronger. He shows everyone a vision of the future, and it isn't pretty. Then he leaves after growing too strong for the Earth and its people. Tony Stark doesn't really die, but he's not really alive, leaving open the possibility for him to return in a year or two.

This is a visually stunning comic, perhaps the most visually appealing comic I've ever seen from Marvel. Overall this series has been excellent. The eight issues at $4.99 each costs almost $40 in total. For this extra money you get pretty much just sturdier covers. I know some people will complain about there not being enough dialogue, as people complained about Issue #6. I think there is enough room in the comics world for comics with less dialogue than normal. Some people think that if they pay $3 or $4 or more for a comic that they should get more enjoyment out of it timewise. I don't think this is the case.

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