Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kill or Be Killed #5 (spoilers)

Kill Or Be Killed #5

Kill or Be Killed, Issue #5 begins the new arc.  Dylan and Kira aren't sleeping together anymore, even though she and Dylan's roommate, Mason, broke up.  Dylan and Mason are still roommates because neither can afford to get his own place and because they have a rent-controlled apartment.  They hardly talk.  Dylan still has to kill someone every month, or the demon that saved his life will kill him.  This time, however, he gets caught, and in order to flee the scene, he has to kill a police officer.

In the back material, Ed Brubaker writes that this will probably be the longest series they've ever done.  Criminal and Fatale both ran to 30-something issues, so this is a good sign.  Like earlier series by this team, there's an essay in most issues.  This issue has an essay by Kim Morgan about the movie, Little Murders.  While I haven't read all of the essay yet, I've been watching movies from the 1960s for the past week, and I might give it a watch if the essay tickles my fancy.

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