Friday, February 10, 2017

Doctor Aphra #4


Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Issue #4 begins with Aphra, her father, and company fleeing stormtroopers and Imperials in an ancient temple on a forgotten moon, but did they get what they needed from the archaeological site?  They escape, but hot on their tail is Captain Tolvan and Admiral Ozzel, who think Drs. Aphra, Beetee, Black Krrsantan, and a homicidal protocol droid might be Rebels.  Of course, they're just fortune hunters and pseudo-academics.

This is a particularly easy-to-read comic with more action than dialogue.  Comics like this are harder to produce than it may seem to the untrained eye.  Take the new character for instance, Captain Tolvan.  With a few frames of dialogue and a certain look, her character has been established.  Action movies, action TV, action comics, and action novels only work if the characters work, and the characters definitely work in this issue.

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