Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Poe Dameron #11


Star Wars: Poe Dameron, Issue #11 sees Agent Terex going rogue.  He has returned to his pre-First Order position as Lord-General of the Rancs of Kaddak, commanding a small fleet of pirate warships.  He is tracing Poe Dameron of Black Squadron back to the Resistance base, where he hopes to destroy the Resistance with one fell swoop, but Poe Dameron might be onto him.  He knows that Agent Terex has been one step ahead of him and that the leak must come from someone close to him, but from whom?

This is a fun title.  It's for Star Wars nerds like me.  The big question a lot of people have is if Poe Dameron is LGBTQIA or not; a lot of people want to see him and Finn as a couple, although with Finn being trained from childhood to be a soldier, it's hard to see him as anything other than a situational asexual.  People claim that saltpeter is put in soldiers' food during basic training, although when one is in extremis, that side of the body is shut down.  I could see a stormtrooper being put through so much shit throughout his life that the sexual side of him doesn't burgeon into reality until he's freed from those bonds.  Does this sound like slash fiction, or what?

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