Saturday, March 12, 2016

Descender #11

Descender, Issue #11 finishes the "Machine Moon" arc.  Tim-21, Tim-22, Captain Tesla and Professor Quon have landed on the Machine Moon, the secret home of the Robot Resistance.  All robots were ordered destroyed following the attack of the Harvesters, a race of planet-sized androids who disappeared as quickly as they appeared.  Meanwhile, on the planet Sampson, Andy, his wife, and Blugger are hot on the trail of Tim-21.  Their goal is to destroy him.

Always gorgeous, sometimes funny, and planet sized in scope, Descender remains one of my favorite comics.  Dustin Nguyen (again, for those of you over 40, the artist, not the 21 Jump Street star) manages to paint beautiful watercolors every month.  This comic is as much of a treasure to our world as Tim-21 is a treasure to the Machine Moon.  The differences between Tim-21 and Tim-22 have really been showing in the past few issues, coming to a head in the end of Issue #11.

I'd like to talk a little bit about the lettering by Steve Wands.  Using different "robot" letterings for all the androids except Tim-21 and Tim-22 is an interesting choice, as they are androids, themselves.  Of course, both of them were raised among humans; Tim-21 was raised in a loving environment by Andy, and Tim-22 was used mostly as a servant by his more reserved owner.  They represent the best and worst of what it means to be human even though they are androids.

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