Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ringside #2

Ringside, Issue #2 starts off in Amy's safe room, where she keeps all her weapons.  Danny is ready to go to war, but Amy talks him out of it.  As I read through those pages, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but don't worry; this title gets off the ground.  Danny is an unemployed professional wrestler, not a trained soldier anymore.  Amy reminds him that he hasn't kept up with any form of fight training, and that he simply wasn't ready to take on a gang of thugs.  Danny's friend, Davis, is the one in trouble, and his employers at CMW don't want the two fraternizing.

Ringside uses a "less is more" approach to storytelling.  There's plenty going on in this issue, but it still leaves a lot unsaid, like what the troubles between Danny and CMW are and what the troubles between Davis and the thugs are.  Sure, the point is to keep the reader guessing, keep the reader buying more issues, and Danny himself doesn't know what Davis's problems are.  I love the advice on how to find Eduard that Danny gets from the bounty hunter.

I've written about what I like in this comic in my review of Issue #1, so you can go back and read more of the specifics on this title.  I did catch up with this title, buying Issue #2 through Issue #5, the fifth issue coming out today, as I write this.  So far, the two issues have ended with cliffhangers; the series has good flow, and if I had bought Issue #1 when it came out, as I planned, I would have eagerly anticipated the following issue in both of the two weeks it came out.

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