Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 5: Super Famous


Ms. Marvel, Volume 5: Super Famous is about the gentrification of Jersey City by a nefarious group that uses nanotechnology to turn people into zombies. To make matters worse there using Ms. Marvel's image illegally to advertise their slogan, "Clean Up Jersey City." Ms. Marvel then finds that her best friend – who by the way has a new girlfriend – is one of the people who has been brainwashed. That nefarious group? It turns out to be HYDRA.

I've been reading Ms. Marvel for about two years now on trade paperback. It's one of the few series I still read on trade paperback, and Volume 6 comes out in the week. While I plan to spend most of my Christmas Amazon cards on computer parts (I'm building a VR-ready box this year), I might spare $13 on the new volume.  I can't really explain why I'm not reading this series on a monthly basis.  There are lesser series that I read every month.  I guess I like seeing all of those trade paperbacks on my shelf.

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