Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Humans, Vol. 2

The Humans, Vol. 2: Humans Till Deth TP

The Humans, Volume II: Humans Till Deth is a little bit longer than Volume I, containing Issue #5 through Issue #10. The story is pretty simple. A deal goes bad, Bobby dies, and Johnny leads the rest of the Humans into a battle against a rival biker gang and some heavy drug runners protected by the police. Johnny uses the tactics he learned as a soldier in the Vietnam War, which he never really came back from.

I actually started reading this volume last summer when I was in Georgia. It was a wonderful trip, but sometimes when you're reading something on a trip, you don't finish it when you get back. Right now I've been reading a lot; I've posted 20 blog reviews in the past week because I have the new headset and software. If anything Volume II is more violent and more disturbing than Volume I. It is a violent reminder of what happens to our soldiers when they come back to live a civilian life, just as Taxi Driver was a generation or two ago.

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