Sunday, December 11, 2016

Wayward #16

Wayward #16

Wayward, Issue #16 begins with Sanae meeting Dermot Lane in Ireland. Dermot is Rori's father, and he has powers as well. With the New Gods in Ireland, they are safe from the Yokai but Rori's mother is dead. In Ireland Ayane tries to speak to the local cats, but they don't understand her. One does and it tells her she doesn't belong in Ireland. Longtime readers of this series will be as happy about the Irish mythology as they were about the Japanese mythology.

It took me a little while to get into this are, but I finally read it, and I enjoyed it. I'll be sure to buy Issue #17 and Issue #18 this Wednesday. Now that I'm dictating these reviews, I'm reading a lot more comics than I was before. I'm using the program Dragon Home Premium along with a mic and headset.

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