Friday, December 23, 2016

Babybel Wax Bodysuit

Babybel wax bodysuit by eric kostiuk williams

Babybel Wax Bodysuit is my Retrofit Comic of the day, a surreal 20 pages with seven distinct stories, most lasting a few pages and the last one lasting eight pages. The imagery is unforgettable, such as a group of KKK members being led by the Grand Dragon riding a giant bug and a man climbing a ladder to jump into a TV set. I particularly like "The Literal World," a story presumably about the author and his friendship with a fellow comic book fan who happens to be on the right side of the political spectrum.

The nods to R. Crumb are obvious, in particular the bean-shaped body without a head. There is also a mention of Keith Haring, along with the figures that feature prominently in his work. The comic is an emotional roller coaster, including brutal honesty side-by-side with elements of fantasy. It took me a few pages to really get into; it isn't an "easy" comic. There is so much to see and read on each page that it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. But it's worth it.

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